Trade With KC Tuesday Report

I think KC and VP are good trading coaches.  A good place for a beginner like me to start out.  Even though at 61 years of age I cannot really say that I am just starting out although in a way every day is a new day no matter how old you are.

One thing I can guarantee is that next year I will be 62 years old and the year after that I will be 63 years old and I will get a year older every year until they bury me even though I will be cremated like my Mom and Dad.  I agree with them that a burial is a waste of money and I may note even pay for the little boxes at the cemetery with your name on it to keep the ashes in.

I think the American Indians used to build these big cremation places out of sticks and burn their dead.  I saw it in a movie once.   I think it was called The Man Called Horse with Dustin Hoffman if I recall.

I like the American Indian way of life.  No houses, no homes, just running free and killing what you need to eat.  Interesting culture.

The white man on the other hand is a different story.  And I guess the Mexicans and Brazilians and Asians and Africans and Blacks and everybody else has their own culture and some blacks get married to whites and have interracial children and on it goes.

There was a time when white Germans would beat the hell out of any daughter who was caught dating a white Russian or a white Irish man.  Now the immigrants are overrunning Ireland and the London and Paris and Italy and the world is changing as always and will never be the same as always.

I believe the bible and that Jesus is coming back and we will all be changed into spiritual bodies and be living in heaven if we are good and blotted out forever if we are bad.  That's just the way it is.  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  In the end no amount of money will mean anything.

In the meantime we cannot sleep 24 hours a day.  We can lay in bed 24 hours a day but we cannot sleep 24 hours a day.  Eventually you will wake up and be laying there awake if you don't get out of bed.  So get out of bed when you wake up and get to work.  Make your bed, brush your teeth, take a shower, comb your hair, clean up your house, take out the trash.

Another thing you will not get away from is eating.  You are eventually if not right now going to want to get something to eat.  And if enough time goes by without you getting something to eat that will become a higher and higher priority until you do get something to eat.   I guess the old cowboys out on the trail in the wild west would shoot 'em a rabbit or a deear and cook up an nice little campfire.  Hell that right there would take a good couple of three hours to accomplish right there and before you know it it's time to saddle up and head on down the trail.

KC and VP say I can make money in this game called forex trading.  Well I've got nothing better to do and they're not charging me a dime so it sounds good to me.

I'm watching my paper trade #2.  Paper trade #1 was like text book and I don't think there could ever be a better trade than my paper trade #1 but this paper trade #2 seems to be going against me.

And as KC says in one of his video episodes ain't nobody no how ever gonna be a trader and win every time.  Losing a trade is gauranteed in this game and you might as well get them out of the way and get on to the next one.  And I guess if losing trades are guaranteed then winning trades must be guaranteed too.  But maybe not.  It might be possible for somebody to be so studpid and clueless that he would lose every trade but anybody who is looking at the markets and can sign up for a trading account and get onto the internet and use a pc and download some trading software and acutally enter a trade already right there probably posesses the brains and ability to win at least one trade if he took a hundred of them and maybe even more.

It's a game of probabilities.

And you have to do everything you can to increase the probability of winning.

As a Christian, you get down on your knees and you turn your life over to Christ and you pray for forgiveness of your sins and you have just won the game.  It is guaranteed.

As a student of Dave Ramsey you get a job and find the cheapest place you can find to live an eat beans and rice and get a second job and work out every morning at the gym and study for network engineering certifications 2 hours every day and do that for 20 years and you win the game.  Guaranteed.

I like guaranteed.  

I like having my money in cash at 4.9% interest guaranteed.  I like logging into my bank account and seeing that the paycheck has hit the bank and my bills have all been paid and my balance has gone up.  No better feeling in the world.  But it's inflation and the rising cost of living and the eventual loss of the income and then having to pay for health insurance and long term care and doctor bills that are basically all guaranteed to get here before it's all over too.

So I work the Dave Ramsey plan and do the best I can and once I'm good on the four walls front and got me a good emergency fund and everything is good and I'm relaxed and sitting at my desk I can look at the stock market and my budget and my retirement plan and do all the things that every man that is living must do.  Once I am good and relaxed in a nice happy place in my head I can start to look at trading.  The calm trader as they say.

KC says he wants to get to $20,000 per month.  I think getting to $20,000 per month working only 15 minutes per day would change anybody's life that I have ever known.  And I like listening to VP's podcasts better than the Chris Plant of Dan Bongino Show anyway.


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