Trade With KC Wednesday Report

Everybody has a business.  There's no way around it.  The majority run a business called a job.  Some have higher paying jobs than others.  Some with lower paying jobs are better savers and investors than some with higher paying jobs and end up better off financially.

Dave Ramsey is the best business coach I have ever had in my life.  I've been a high earner or maybe a little bit above average or maybe average but bringing in a steady paycheck pretty much all of my life since the say I got my first paycheck at Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace as a Software Test Engineer in 1984.

The opportunities that I have wasted in my life are too many to mention.  Or maybe I'll get around to mentioning them all in excruciating detail right here on this blog before they bury me.  Stay tuned to find out or check back in 5 years.  I would bet the only way this blog will ever not be here ever again would be from nuclear disaster or else I say the wrong thing and Big Brother makes it disappear.

Maybe before it's all said and done I will move this thing to and offshore server that in theory could never be disappeared but all they would have to do then is to black hole my IP address it would seem.  I'll have to look into that some more and maybe have somebody down at Fivvr take a look-see and maybe even do it.

Bob Shulz disagreed with Irwin Schiff but I think Bob may have been a bit more savvy in the make sure your website never disappears game.

I would like to talk to Peter Schiff about what he knows about his dad's website that got disappeared.  Maybe I'll have him on my show.  See what plans he has to preserve his own website as an archive that will never disappear.  I think maybe his dad was closer to the truth than he is.

I know Peter has a blog and he lives in Puerto Rico and he has a pretty smokin' hot wife and there's a bunch of bitcoin millionaires down there I guess.  I don't think he's a big forex trader but he's definitely a big saver and investor and get ready for the shit to hit the fan type of guy.  And I like that.  Hell at this point if all I did was put every penny I got into gold and real estate I could probably call it a day.  But I like listening to KC and VP for free.

So everybody's got a business.  My business is a job.  And my job is network engineer for some corporation.  Not a huge corporation but a little $3.5B corporation.  And I got me some good RSU stock shares sitting in a nice little account for $10k and hoping to see that same deposit again in a year if I can hold on to my job.

So listening to the latest VP podcast on Trading Psychology I think I am in a pretty good position to be a professional writer.

I like VP's thought process as do a lot of traders obviously.  VP is basically a legend in the game and I don't mind following him at all.  And I like this Robb Reinhold guy too.

But the guy I really like is my guy Peter Schiff.  And I only started tuning in to him since following KC and VP.  So I was more in tune or at least very in tune with ultra conservative saving and investing before coming across KC and VP but also on the other end of the barbell wanting to see if I could be a trader.

The psychology of trading is a huge thing.

The psychology of working a job and writing before and after work and on my days off is not anxiety causing at all.  I have absolutely no anxiety about saying nobody or no thing or no how ain't nobody never could ever stop me from sitting down here at this blog and typing out whatever's on my minde forever until my last keystroke and the silver cord parts.

And I could write about Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, or Revelation until the cows come home.  Pastor Murray's job was to teach the word of God and he did very well financially.  The Lord's blessings.  Loving kindness, tender mercy, and unmerited favor.  Thank you Lord Jesus for all of my blessings.

And now we have X.  The new blog.  Here you are Doug, it's 2024.  I was a big-time blogger back in the day.  I had 20,000 readers at one time.  Ask Vox Day.  He was with me at the Dick Simkanin trial in Fort Worth, Texas.  Yes I have some stories I could tell about social media and the beginnings and evolution of social media.  You might want to talk to Dave Winer about that.

Now then, back to business.  I got three trades in the fire.  And the psychology would be that it matters not if they are winners or losers.  It only matters that I followed my system.

Listening to VP latest podcast with Robb Reinhold now.


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