Trade With Me Now
I'm on the cell phone smart phone computer phone supercomputer phone pocket supercomputer device and I'm holding for Wells Fargo technical support. I am not able to transfer money from my Wells Fargo checking account to my Bank of America acount.
A great victory. While I was writing the Wells Fargo technical support team came on the line and advised me that this is a known issue and all I have to do is to keep clicky click clicking just above the text entry box and after a few strategic clicky click clicks violia! the box lets me put in the SMS texted secret code!
And my transfer is complete. They are working on the issue but at this moment all they know to do is to use the clicky click clicky work around which is fine with me because I just want to be able to transfer money back and forth between the accounts and if I have to do a little clicky click click work around then so be it. I am now able to transfer money back and forth between the two accounts! Great victory! Thank you Lord Jesus! If I ever start to make any money please give me the spirit to do the right thing with it and be mindful of my giving back to those less fortunate.
So another great victory this morning is that my property tax check cleared the bank. So my accounts are beginning to settle down as I prepare to go full-time in to the Trade With Me Now program.
The goal is to risk a maximum of $79 per month and only trade paper options for 6 months. $79 times 6 months gives me maximum loss of $474. And for that I would get 6 months of training from I would have to think some profitable traders otherwise why would they be in there paying a monthly fee every month if they were not getting any value from it. So I can squeeze out as much value as I can and then go from there. I will also have the option of cancelling at any time even after only 30 days making that scenario's risk total only $79.
I have a 10 AM ET Fidelity options trading class on this Thursday 7/22. I will attend for free and learn everything that I can about trading options.
I also have an 8:30 AM ET call with my Dave Ramsey Smartvestor Pro on this Wednesday 7/21. I will speak with the professional investor and learn everything I can about long term conservative investing and also ask him if he could give me any advice or recommend something about options trading.
I am on the phone now with Fidelity support asking them where I can see that I have the options trading class for tomorrow at 10 AM ET and check on the details of that class and verify that I am scheduled for the class.
I like looking at the markets and talking on the phone with bankers and investment advisors. As long as I am not losing any money it is a fun thing to do. The correct way to approach the markets is from a position of strength. I would say first complete Dave Ramsey baby step number 7 and then start looking in to trading in the markets. That would be my advice to any underprivileged kids that happen to stop by and read this.
Here is the options trading presentation slide show from Fidelity for the class I will try to attend tomorrow.
PowerPoint Presentation (
The post you just read is a continuation from yesterday's post found here...
Trade With Me Now (
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