
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Global Village

I would say step one would be to find a place to host all of my computer operations and then move towards a one hundred percent online business.  The most critical aspect being file backup as your files basically now are your money and your money is what you want to pass on to your heirs.  If you have been a good steward of your money, you will have some money to pass on to your heirs. Now how much money you pass on probably really doesn't matter.  That's why I like Dave Ramsey.  He gets down on the level of the average person. He talks to people who have lots of credit card debt and very little income.  Those are the salt of the earth people and the backbone of this country.  And actually the backbone of this entire world.  Good folks who want to make an honest living.  Good law abiding folks who don't mind putting in a good solid forty hour work week for a reasonable living wage.  And the better the wage for working the better for the count...

The Last Will and Testament of Doug Kenline

Kind of morbid but feels good to think I'm getting my affairs in order so I can go fishing and not have to worry about anything.  Will see if I only get one profile picture and that one picture gets suck on every blog I have under this userid and password. Day 2 (

The Life Preparatory School for Boys

King Randall, I. may read this.  And I guess I must say that King Randall, I. is the reason that I am writing this first post on this new blog that I haven't written on in some time. The thought of a small, local, grassroots, real, true, school of opportunity for underprivileged kids.  Or as he calls it, a life preparatory school for boys.  Certainly the concept goes back as far as man himself, all the way back to Adam and Noah and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all of the twelve tribes.  Solidifying in the new country of America in the early 1700's on through the Revolutionary War and the Civil War and World War I and World War II and Korea and Viet Nam and Iraq and now on to the Twitter War of Twenty Three. All gave some.  Some gave all. They say General Lee was a brilliant defensive mind and that's what won him the war.  Well the story goes that it was a bunch of white people in the south that liked to keep black people as slaves, against a bunch o...