
Showing posts from March, 2024

Dave Winer is Right

 Dave says it's dumb to have two places to write.  And I agree.  He is speaking of the virtual places.  There is also a physical place to write.  And I imagine that Dave has been writing from the same physical chair and desk and office and room and house and street address for many years now just as he has been writing at the same virtual location. I myself have drifted from here to there.  Like many I had a blog then shut it down then did not social writing for 20 years and now I'm an old man getting ready to retire and looking for a place to write. And I'm comfortable right here at blogger dot com. Well the clock is ticking and time waits for no man.  Ernest Hemmingway would write from many places but always on the blank page of paper and the typewriter I am thinking now although he may have had his time of ink pens and pencils.  Mark Twain I think was the first to use a typewriter.  Before that we had Henry David Thoreau and I think the ty...

Scripting News

Dave Winer says it's dumb to write in two places . Yes I agree Dave, but then the question becomes where do you write?  And what is writing?  And the clock is ticking. I got some link love from Dave back in the day when I coined the meme hopping on the blog train. Seems I can't search for my last name Kenline at Dave's blog. Dave, could you look up that link for me please and post it into my comments here for me? I'm tellin' you what brother.  I agree with you 100% on the pro-blogger issue and I think about where the hell should I write all the time.  Do I write on X or Fakebook or reddit or whiteit or IG or the old piece of sheep skin laying in my closet or on hemp paper? But the clock is ticking and I want to write something right now.  So I'll pick this here School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids blog that I'm thinkin' I'm gonna turn into my scripting ecocenter. Because I'm 60 years old now Dave.  How the hell old are you?  We're a...