
Showing posts from January, 2022

Trade With Me Now Day 189 Tuesday

 missed a couple of days doesn't matter only matters that have not quit only matters that this is all i do i don't do anything else checking market weather and profit and loss now

Trade With Me Now Day 185 Friday

checking market weather report then profit and loss

Trade With Me Now Day 184 Thursday

Enemy troops attempting to forge the parimeter.  Colonel Jackson badly wounded.  Fort Monroe under seige.  A great day!  Praise God!  Market weather report then check profit and loss.

Trade With Me Now Day 183 Tuesda

Got the dimes split up.  Hopefully Mom will feel better now.  Got some cash too.  I'll put it in the bank and hope to be able to will it to some good young preacher when the time comes.  Checking market weather report and profit and loss statement now.

Trade With Me Now Day 182 Monday

Market weather report looks good due to steady paycheck.  Today divide up the dimes and I will cash out with Jon.  Water the yard and trees.  See if I can find some deposit change transit bags.

Trade With Me Now Day 181 Monday

Approved for time off.  Will spend time looking at market weather report and watching videos and reading about Rober E. Lee.  Also will write letter to little brother Jon regarding the dimes.

Trade With Me Now Day 180 Sunday

Made it to Sunday after payday.  Another two weeks and it's payday again, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.  Doing market weather report and listening to stock options trading video.

Trade With Me Now Day 170 Saturday

market weather report check profit and loss

Trade With Me Now Day 168 Friday

Payday Friday.  Thank you Lord Jesus.  The daily market weather report necessarily begins with looking at your bank statements.  Net worth, balance sheet, and cash flow.  By looking at your stock portfolio you can easily tell if the market is up or down.  And that is the premise of Michael Love's market weather report method.  If the market is going down, don't fucking go long on a fucking stock you fucking idiot.  I like ML's style of teaching.  I'll try to hang on with him for as long as I can.  I do you know what I think about weather the market is up or down this morning?  IDGAF.  Why?  Because allocation you fucking moron!

Trade With Me Now Day 167 Thursday

there's somebody on the internet somewhere who says they can show you how to make money.  they will show you and they will teach you but it is going to cost you.  so the question is how much is it going to cost me.  well dave ramsey has helped me to get to where i am and it hasn't cost me a penny.  i have never sent him a single penny and i have used his system to get all the way through baby step number 7 and now i am working his baby step one program from the beginning in perpetuity along with his four walls program.  so my hat is off to dave ramsey.  now michael love says he can teach me how to make money by trading options and his cost is $79 per month or you could think of it as $20 per week.  so i says to myself i can affort $20 per week and then it is just a matter of sticking with the program until they bury me.  daves program didn't take any time because it's so simple.  work your job for all it's worth and save every penny.  an...

Trade With Me Now Day 166 Tuesday

living in canon city mom's basement trying to help mom and work my job remote and keep up with the trading looks like ml closed out his fcx for a good profit and looks like i should be able to do the same this morning need to read the alerts, record all action alerts and keep tracker updated, next trade is number 25 or this tracker then will start new tracker and new trading account using ira account in think or swim this is all i do i don't do anything else doing market weather report now

Trade With Me Now Day 165 Tuesday

once the log entry has been made first thing every morning the game has been won say a prayer of thanks to God for two legs two arms two eyes to see and two ears to hear and when the silver cord parts we go back home to the father mother not feeling well job still holding out if all goes to plan will work five days this week and get two weeks off will have to see how it goes if i have to work i have to work and then i'm want to fly back to virginia and check on my place back there and work from there for awhile maybe into the spring and come back and see if mom has made it until then

Shepherd’s Chapel Communion

  Shepherd’s Chapel Communion - YouTube

It's Your Season to be blessed

Well by God I found the Ted Shuttlesworth video that I couldn't find today for the life of me.  I knew I had bookmarked it but I just didn't realize it was apparently even back before I started this blog and I bookmarked it on my old blog.  Either way I found it on my old blog  Ted Shuttlesworth Sr. Revival with Ted Shuttlesworth 11 AM - YouTube

Trade With Me Now Day 164 Monday

new trading week can't find that ted shuttlesworth sr it's your season to be blessed youtube link that i'm sure i posted at this blog somewhere mom came back home from the nursing home yesterday and we're seeing if she can live independently here for a minute or two one day at a time checking market weather report all bills are paid all bank accounts and investment accounts look good job looks good paycheck due to arrive on friday job performance report should be good doing my best on the job living on the salary thank you Lord

Trade With Me Now Day 163 Sunday

buy the 50 Murray doing market weather report looking at profit and loss market weather report includes long-term mid-term and short-term investment objectives working for a paycheck and investing my paycheck is all i do good morning if i make this daily post and look at my mwr looks and reads then i have won the day and if you win every day you win the game you will get a job which will generate a paycheck which will be used to pay your bills and whatever is left over you will invest and you only have 24 hours per day same as bill gates and warren buffet i'll go with one guru at a time every day until the day they bury me which should be within 20 years or maybe 30 if the good Lord graces me with such longevity i'm not sure at what age robert edward lee passed on upon exhaustion of one guru i will move to the next guru although ml here is still earning my 79 per month and i am not in the looking for a new guru mode yet and if ml can get me up to a smooth equity curve then i ma...

Trade With Me Now Day 162 Saturday

put in some effort every first thing every morning listening to friday video and doing market weather report

Vanguard VTSAX index fund

  Real life monthly return with $88k invested in Vanguard VTSAX index fund! - YouTube

JL Collins

  JLCollinsnh - The Simple Path to Wealth

1500 Days to Freedom

  Unexpected Bucket Lists - 1500 Days to Freedom

Trade With Me Now Day 161 Friday

doing market weather report.  looking at profit and loss.

Vanguard and Mr. Money Mustache

The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life  The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life: Collins, J L, Mustache, Mr. Money: 9781533667922: Books Vanguard Index Funds: A Complete Beginner's Guide to Investing Vanguard Index Funds: A Complete Beginner's Guide to Investing - YouTube

Trade With Me Now Day 160 Thursday

looks like i didn't make an entry yesterday today i will make a post about the new mr money mustache investing book that i found and the vanguard total stock index index that i will be buying and i gues you could call this a trade or an investment bu either way it is what i do and will do until they bury me is to sit at a computer and read and study and save and invest every penny that comes in to my hands until they bury me and if i die with a big pile of money in the bank then thank God for it and hope i get to heaven

Trade With Me Now Day 158 Tuesday

checking market weather report and then profit and loss watching most recent live training class

Trade With Me Now Day 157 Monday

you run a business the first thing you do every morning when you start work is to look at your business how do you look at your business balance sheet cash flow statement net worth statement then you look at your trades market weather report my business is my job today is my day off go get mom and bring her to house with nurse for home inspection

Trade With Me Now Day 156 Sunday

must have missed my journal post yesterday moving in to first week of 2022 signed up 7/27 six payments of $79 for total of $474 total investment in 2021 79 times 12 is 948 for 2022 and then will maybe start making some trades with real money starting in 2023 which gives me the first and foremost of a relaxed style of swing trading with no emotion sleeping well at night with the dave ramsey baby step 1 four walls motley fool program in perpetuity and that is the foundation so for the school of opportunity for underprivileged kids first they get a job and then they report to the school with how much money they make and the school tells them what to do with it mainly put it to work in the dave ramsey baby steps program and once they have gotten to baby step 6 and paid off all debt and are saving 15% and investing 15% and then you take a percentage of that savings and trade with it just like i am doing but first is to get your home paid for in cash and to own real estate as your primary re...

Trade With Me Now Day 155 Saturday

trying to keep up with the class saturday live training starts now