
Showing posts from July, 2021

Trade With Me Now Day 9

getting an early start on day 9 work swing shift 3 to 11 on saturday after midnight looking at trade with me now program Understanding Stocks, Options and Leverage stocks create ownership indicates their ownership a piece of the company have ownership without having to be involved in the management of that company day 9 continues after some sleep and workout with shifu yan lee working on basics options trading course start out by talking with fellow traders at the TWMN facebook group page

Trade With Me Now Day 8

today is saturday morning live training class at 11 reading ebook on step 5 look at the charts attended the saturday morning trading stayed awake for a good part of it and then kind of went to sleep finished reading the ebook next step according to the checklist is The 4 Videos That Will Change The Way You Look At Trading 11 Sectors 4 Indexes    Dow Jones   NASDAQ       Russell       S&P 500

Trade With Me Now Day 7

ok it's been one full week i signed up last friday i think friday's are days when some TWMN traders exit their positions read through the new facebook group posts step one is the Dave Ramsey baby step program all the way through baby step 7 check continue on by investing 15% into retirement account check get some cash piled up in the bank check now keep a close eye on the four walls and always make sure your foundation is solid now keep reading and studying the options trading program risk free worst case analysis is $79 per month goes in to education and a decision has been made there is no turning back on the road ebook page 28 If all 4 of the major indexes are positive and trending higher what are the 4 major indexes?

Trade With Me Now Day 6

well i'm still here after 6 days i'll count that as a win and continue on first thing you do is check the market weather start with facebook

Trade With Me Now Day 5

 A beautiful summer day here in Reston, Virginia trying to get my rank beginners TWMN chat room going teresa has joined and others will see how it goes checking out the TWMN facebook group and checking in to the chat room starting back in at the starting point in the TWMN library i just fired up my TS software for the first time today i will shut it down at the end of the day funny that of all of the things that a man could learn, as i would often think to myself as a younger man, why not just learn how to make lots of money.  i would think step one is to get the money problem out of the way and then go from there.  maybe the money problem never goes away, not even for Don Trump.  maybe the trick is to find happiness at some point preferably right where you are but sometimes that doesn't seem so possible if right where you are is in a spot where you haven't got two nickels to rub together or a pot to piss in. so now i fire up the TS options pro thing i've got a coupl...

Trade With Me Now Chat Room

I set up a Trade With Me Now chat room for rank beginners motivation and encouragement. Join the chat room here. Options Trading - Chatzy

Trade With Me Now Day 4

9 am et and i'm at my workstation should probably try to get up earlier and be at my workstation by 8 am et gives me more time before the market opens checking facebook Trade With Me Now | Facebook while checking in on facebook i bring up my trade station app Award Winning Desktop Trading Platform | TradeStation my goal is to stick with this program until they bury me  if i am ever even at a point where i can even think of wiring out money into my checking account i will first make sure that all taxes are paid in full all bills are paid in full in fact the only reason to wire out money at first would be to pay the taxes that could be due quarterly or could be due annually i'm sure this first year well i hate to be pessemistic but i'm sure this first year will be only costs and no income  if i got my costs up high enough might be able to drop myself in to a lower tax bracket but my only cost is $79 per month at this point $474 for six months so 2021 cost would be around $500...

Trade Station

My new favorite toy. TradeStation | Online Trading And Brokerage Services Get yours today.  No charge.  Fund account with as little as $1.  That's my kind of new toy!  Get used to it.  It is where you will be spending a great deal of time from here until burial day.  Do you think in 58 years you have ever seen anything better than this?  I think I have not.  Time to go to work like Jack London and Martin Eden.

Trade With Me Now Day 3

The psychology of trading may be the biggest hurtle for a lot of people.  The concept of actually being able to trade for a living like Michael Love is so unbelievable to many like me,  or maybe unconciently unbelievable, that the fear of success maybe? or the anxiety that I will fail again? is almost the hardest thing to deal with.  The think I like about my current plan is that I have chopped off and butressed the downside risk this time to nearly the maximum extent possible.  I am standing on my day job and my savings and retirement plan that I have been working for 20 years.  I have completed Dave Ramsey baby step 7 and the TWMN program will only cost me $79 per month to stay in it indefinitely.  So I have enough in the bank and enough coming in to be able to comfortably pay the $79 per month for years if necessary, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.  Other than that it is just a matter of time.  And thanks to the man upstairs my job ...

Trade With Me Now Day 2

So far so good.  The thing I like best about it is the price.  Only $79 per month.  At this point I"m thinking I will sign up for the full-time program and continue on with the training for another month after my trial period and possibly even a third month after that.  I'm watching the second video in the start up module now.  Hell I may just keep paying this guy $79 per month for the rest of my life.  I like his program so far.  The beautiful think for me is that I don't need to make any money with this program.  I get my money's worth out of the program just by watching the videos for pure entertainment and educational purposes.  I seem to have a need to be working on a business plan.  I'm not happy just sitting around playing tiddly winks when the chains of money are weighing me down and holding me back.  Some would say I have way more money than anybody could ever want.  That is not the crowd that I like to hang out with....

Trade With Me Now Day 1

Today is the day I sign up for my first options trading course.  Trade With Me Now.  I will endeavor to attend the Saturday training today at 11 AM ET. I just spent $79. The "Second Look" offer link changed to the bump-up for lifetime membership link. 1 Year Masterclass Alerts (Special 50% Discount RTG) ( Now it changed to "Second Look" at the bump-up offer. 6 Months of Masterclass Alerts (Special 50% Discount RTG) ( I'll skip on both of them and see if I can make back my $79.  If I can make back my $79 I will consider this to have been a huge success. Now it changes to the once-in-a-lifetime super secret special offer link. LEGACY ($99/m Special Discount RTG) ( I'll pass on this one too. If I can make back my $79 my hat will be off to him and I'll pay full price for the full-time program.  He's already said the full-time program will only be $79 per month if I sign up within 30 days of my 30 d...

Mindful Trader

Stock Picking Service -- Mindful Trader $47 per month

Chapter One

Bob Johnson was obsessed with trading options.  It was the newfound love of his life.  Not for the love of money though.  Bob was well aware that the bible says the love of money is the root of all evil.  So he hated money just to be on the safe side.  He hated money with every fiber of his being.  He could feel the chains of money on his life and somehow he had to get free. At 58 years of age he knew he didn't have much time left.  He wondered how is 83 year old mother must feel.  He had just gotten back from a 3,000 mile coast to coast road trip in a 2000 Ford Focus with 85,000 miles on the odometer.  He had driven from Washington DC to Los Angeles to visit his mother.  He did not fly because he hated the mask.  He couldn't believe that the united States of America had capsized into a communist dictatorship literally overnight and he hated the direction the country was going in as much as he hated money. "Do I check my stocks ever...

Trade With Me Now

Today is another good network engineering opportunity day.  I have the opportunity to put in another good day at work.  Working from home.  When I was 25 years old I would have given my left nut to be able to work from anywhere in the world like this.  They say they are going to call us back in to the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Camaraderie and all that good stuff.  There could be some value in it.  And now that I own my home just down the road from the office it will not be an impossible thing for me to do to go in to the office two days per week.  In fact I would he happy to go back in to the office if it means resuming my guidance and tutelage under the watchful wing of the five star general as I had the great privilege of doing before the fake virus bomb dropped on the world. So once again I have the opportunity.  At 58 years of age the window of opportunity is rapidly closing, and I don't have any more big 5 year screw up ch...

Trade With Me Now

 Here's Everything You Get When You Purchase Today: The Market Weather MASTERLCLASS™ An entire Masterclass including a Basic Options video library, the Market Weather Report module, the 8-step trading workflow and the 6-star trade setup that raked in over $5,600...and a ton more! If I rake in one dollar I will be happy. The TWMN Trade Tracker™ How to track your trades efficiently and effectively like a pro, 25 trades at a time. Our customized sheet does all the calculations for you and gives you the oversight you need to continuously amend your Trading Plan (see the next course). My goal is to work hard on the masterclass, paper trade every alert he sends out using Think or Swim, and track every trade that I take. The Custom Trading Plan For Pros™ How to create a custom trading plan just like the pros do. Even NFL quarterbacks have a playbook...a game plan for every Sunday that they follow. The first 20-25 plays are scripted and then they adjust at half-time. Create YOUR profession...

Options Trading

I had a good day at work yesterday.  Worked from home.  Managers say they are going to call us back in to the office of Tuesday's and Wednesday's starting in September. I have a call with my Dave Ramsey Smartvestor Pro in ten minutes from now. I'll let my accounts settle down from my road trip to Colorado and then get signed up for Trade With Me Now program.  Will need to work hard at it and pay attention and attend every training. Tomorrow is Fidelity options trading class.  I'll have to see if they record it so I can watch it after work. Well I don't like that Smartvestor Pro.  I'll keep doing it myself and save the money.

First Time Using Thinkorswim - ThinkorSwim Tutorial

  (13647) First Time Using Thinkorswim - ThinkorSwim Tutorial - YouTube

Buy Ruger Not Smith and Wesson


Trade With Me Now

I'm on the cell phone smart phone computer phone supercomputer phone pocket supercomputer device and I'm holding for Wells Fargo technical support.  I am not able to transfer money from my Wells Fargo checking account to my Bank of America acount. A great victory.  While I was writing the Wells Fargo technical support team came on the line and advised me that this is a known issue and all I have to do is to keep clicky click clicking just above the text entry box and after a few strategic clicky click clicks violia! the box lets me put in the SMS texted secret code! And my transfer is complete.  They are working on the issue but at this moment all they know to do is to use the clicky click clicky work around which is fine with me because I just want to be able to transfer money back and forth between the accounts and if I have to do a little clicky click click work around then so be it.  I am now able to transfer money back and forth between the two accounts!  G...

Think or Swim Cheat Sheet

Reset Account Balances To reset account balances go to Monitor Position Statement Adjust Account Reset Style Layout

Trade With Me Now

Continuing my notes from previous post found here... Trade With Me Now ( So today is the date of this blog post.  I will make this a blog about my options trading adventure.  Anybody who is interested is welcome to follow along and post comments and I will answer you in the comments. As of right now my number 1 business plan is Trade With Me Now by Michael Love Trade With Me Now | Market Weather Masterclass And Trade Alert Service My plan is to milk this program for everything that it is worth and then go from there. I have my account set up for paper trading at TD Ameritrade using Think or Swim paper trading software. The cost of the TWMN program is only $79 and there is a money back guarantee. I will wait for all of my accounts to settle down from my trip to Colorado and let my property tax payment clear my bank. I will play around with Think or Swim software in the meantime. The total risk I will take on this program will be $79 for the trial...

Live Traders 14 Days For Only $1.

  Trading Chatroom - LiveTraders

(13034) Generate Income From Selling Weekly Options - - YouTube (13034) Master Trader - YouTube Home - Master Trader Trading Basics for High Odds Opportunities - Master Trader

Trade With Me Now

  💬1 - TWMN Masterclass | Trade With Me Now The above link is the "Second Look" offer for reduced price of $79. This is the link I will use. If you did not receive your own customized "Second Look" reduced price link you may want to look at the original link and then wait awhile to see if you get the "Second Look" link offer. I cannot guarantee that my "Second Look" reduced price offer will work for you or not Here is the original link. Trade With Me Now | Market Weather Masterclass And Trade Alert Service Notice on the reduced price link it says at the top... "Thanks For Taking A Second Look At Trade With Me Now!" And the price is $79 instead of two payments of $47 as stated on the original link. Now I will go through the advertisement at my "Second Look" reduced price link and make detailed notes on exactly what I will expect to receive for my $79 and if I am not satisfied, how to get my money back on the money back guarant...


  Home ( (13012) Shark Week Options Special! - YouTube

Sasha Evdakov: Tradersfly

How to Buy a Call Option & Profit Step by Step Tutorial (Think or Swim Platform by TD Ameritrade) (13005) How to Buy a Call Option & Profit Step by Step Tutorial (Think or Swim Platform by TD Ameritrade) - YouTube My first time meeting Sasha. I like how he talks about options. How to Trade & Invest in The Stock Market For Beginners - Tradersfly first time seeing his website at tradersfly i like this guys pricing layout TC2000

Kyle Henris

  (1) Facebook Done With You Wealth Thank You (

The Daily Stock Market

Placed my first call option order on GE per this guy's recommendation.  7/10/2020 (12955) Best Call Options To Buy In July 2021! 🔥🔥 (Strike Prices and Expirations!) - YouTube (12955) The Daily Stock Market - YouTube (12955) The Daily Stock Market - YouTube

Skyview Trading

  FREE Options Training Class (

Michael Love and "Trade With Me Now'

How I Took A Small Trading Account Of $1,000 And Turned It Into $5,645 In 58 Days... Michael Love and "Trade With Me Now' are REAL and VERY LEGIT! TWMN Masterclass DE | Trade With Me Now (7) Trade With Me Now | Facebook

Arizona multi-millionaire's VOMMA ZONE

Infinity Trader – Powered by TheoTrade VommaZone – Infinity Trader TheoTrade Trading Education with Don Kaufman — Theo Trade (19) Theo Trade (@TheoTrade) / Twitter (12941) TheoTrade, LLC - YouTube (99+) TheoTrade: About | LinkedIn (12941) On the Verge of Wild Market Moves? - YouTube BVomma – Infinity Trader

Jeff Z Money Links Wealth Press

  Home | Joy of the Trade The Money Link Review (Jeff Zananiri) ( Home - Wealthpress Money Link ( Blitz Alerts ( Blitz Alerts ( Lance Ippolito is "The Blitz Tracker" 7/12/2021 Weekly Profit Generator Roger Scott Jeff Z Chuck Hughes watching webinar again here Weekly Profit Generator (

Al Losada Simple Option Strategies

  Simple Option Strategies | Facebook Simple Option Strategies | Generate consistent monthly cash flow Here is the offer for $29 per month and money back guarantee. Copy-of-SOS-RSI-TRADES.pdf ( Replay Page | LW | RSI Trade | Promoting: STS Stock Picks ( Simple Trade Strategies | Stock Picks Subscription (


  (12855) tastytrade - YouTube

How I Made $161,000 In The Stock Market At Age 26 (Investopedia Stock Simulator)

  (12804) How I Made $161,000 In The Stock Market At Age 26 (Investopedia Stock Simulator) - YouTube (12804) Investopedia Stock Simulator - YouTube

$14 for 14 days then $149/month

  Sky View Trading Register

Investors Underground

  Free Video Lessons Email Confirmation (

chris vermeulen

  Technical Traders Ltd. – Technically Proven Strategies, Alerts, & Courses (

Security Tokens Securitize | Digital securities for fund admin, transfer agent,… How Overstock used blockchain to distribute its digital dividend | IR Magazine curzio research Curzio Research - Home of Frank Curzio and the Wall Street Unplugged podcast network FIC Networks

Bryan Bottarelli

BEST STOCK MARKET SIMULATORS: 2 best FREE stock market simulators that you must use before you trade

  (12656) BEST STOCK MARKET SIMULATORS: 2 best FREE stock market simulators that you must use before you trade - YouTube Here's where I found the Investopedia options paper trading game.