
Showing posts from May, 2021

Blockchain vs. Bullshit


  JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts - The First 3.5 Hours

Blockchain Development file:///C:/Users/Owner/Desktop/MyNodeApp/index.html if you load this website which is running local on your local machine on node js it pulls from some .js file in my desktop folder that I can't read. run server.js located here C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\MyNodeApp Good video by Smartherd.  Showed me how to make my first front end. How to install Node JS in Windows. Run local web server in Node. Create first application on Node (10176) How to install Node JS in Windows. Run local web server in Node. Create first application on Node - YouTube Rock Paper Scissors Game

Decentralized Autonomous Organization

God is in charge. God is in control.  Thank you Jesus for my blessings.  I am weak in my financial giving to the church.  But I try to support brother Tony Spell in Louisiana.  It is a shame that we have these communists trying to take over the united States of America.  I guess there is nothing new under the sun.  I guess the experiment of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people is being tested here.  We have some good battlefronts going on with pastor Jack and pastor Rob in California and Pastor Che and Pastor Sean.  And Peggy Hall.  They say as California goes, so goes the nation.  Got some good fighters in Florida and all over the country.  Idaho, Colorado, Texas.  In every state there are good freedom fighters.  They can see more clearly than others What kind of an evil monster we are fighting agains. And then you look at the computer programmers and they are focused on coding and building dapps ...

Goodbit Training

Top 3% of freelance Solidity Developers (10131) Build Your First Blockchain App Using Ethereum Smart Contracts and Solidity - YouTube (10132) How to install Node JS in Windows. Run local web server in Node. Create first application on Node - YouTube

The End Is Not Yet

I think today I'll listen to Pastor Greg Locke.  What you'll see is Pastors having disagreements.  And church members having disagreements.  And church splits.  I listen to Pastor Murray on the radio.  I would probably argue with other students of Shepherd's Chapel.  So there it is.  And here we are. But the end is not yet.  And Pastor Tony Spell is fighting in the courts.  Pashor Che Ann fought in the courts and won.  He went all the way to the Supreme Court.  Thank you Pastor Che.  I like Pastor Che.  In his fight to keep his church open I have no argument with him whatsoever.  In fact I stand with him on that.   In the beginning I would have gone to any church that I could find.  But the church I had gone to for cancer was closed.  And the Pastor was wearing a mask and blue rubber gloves and would not even shake my hand.  And the doors of that church are locked to this day. So how could suc...

Solidity by Example

  Solidity by Example | 0.7.6 (

Inspirational Nomad

Sam the Inspirational Nomad on youtube is an interesting character and seems to be a good, honest guy trying to do the best he can in life.  He came up with this idea of cutting all expenses to get free.  It's the same plan that I'm working with the main difference being he went temporarily mobile in order to make a geographical move.  I never did live in my car.  I just drove straight from point A to point B and got a room at point B. Now I am working on a headquarter mobility project.  The objective of the operation is to move my headquarters functionally from Reston, Virginia to Canon City, Colorado.  I have designed my operation with disaster recovery in mind.   It took me about five moves hopping from disaster to disaster before I got it in to my thick head to always be prepared for disaster. It's the same plan as the Dave Ramsey baby step plan, and Sam the Nomad follows Dave Ramsey just like I do.  Hey if you would rather have some fin...

Deploy Smart Contract On To Blockchain

Today we study two videos.  One by Dapp University and one by EatTheBlocks. Both guys are going to show us how to deploy a smart contract onto a block chain. Watch the videos below and study the tools that they use to get the job done. Practice deploying smart contracts onto blockchains. Be able to discuss the tools that are used to get the job done. Dapp University Gregory McCubbin 1. Deploy Smart Contracts Remix + Ropsten Ethereum Network Now my man from Dapp University is going to deploy a smart contract onto and ethereum blockchain. Watch the video here. (9969) 1. Deploy Smart Contracts Remix + Ropsten Ethereum Network - YouTube   List of tools used in this video. Remix IDE (Integrated Development Environment) TESTNET Ropsten (ETH) Blockchain Explorer ( Dapp University website is getting almost 5,000 visitors per day. - IP Address Change History ( Sounds like he has the golde...

My First Contract

  (9914) Create a token on Binance Smart Chain | Beginner Tutorial - YouTube

Remix Ethereum

Proof of Talent

  (9896) Crypto Jobs 101 - Jobs in Blockchain - YouTube Crypto Bobby – Real, Honest Cryptocurrency Investing Thoughts (20) Rob Paone (@crypto_bobby) / Twitter


  Cardano | Home

Haskell Brooks Curry

  Haskell (programming language) - Wikipedia Haskell Curry - Wikipedia Haskell Brooks Curry - HaskellWiki

Power and Connectivity

 Hard rain here in northern Virginia.  Blue State headquarters of the United States.  I was lucky my power went out a month ago and alerted me to the fact that I needed to upgrade my switch.  I got it done and I'm happy with the job and the job is paid for in cash.  Dave Ramsey style.  Nothin' like having that Grandma's rainy day fund. So tonight it was raining and thundering and lightening like there was gonna be no tomorrow.  And sure enough lights in the house start to flicker.  Let me tell you I felt good having that newly and professionally installed breaker switch and whole house surge protector paid for in cash.  Great feeling.  Lights and power are still on.  Verizon Fios internet connnection $77.71 per month dropped out and I had to reconnect.  At least they came right back up. So that's the importance of power and connectivity in today's business world.  If I think I can't operate without power and connectivity j...

Kever on Cardano

  (9807) Kever on Cardano: Replay! Dave w/ USA01 Talks Finance, CoinBase, Doge and Regulation - YouTube Your Cardano Update – The Latest News in the Cardano Ecosystem Haskell Brooks Curry - HaskellWiki (9814) Doug Johnson Productions - YouTube


The word money is mentioned 142 times in the King James bible.  The first occurrence comes in Genesis. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, everyman child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed. If I were king of the world and I was also the President and Chief Financial Officer of The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids, I would make the curriculum focused on money.  But only after a bible study class in hour one and and American History class in hour 2.  The rest of the day would be focused on money and physical education. And I would live the exact same lifestyle that I am living right now.  I would be driving my same old car and wearing my same old shoes.  Sitting at a small desk with a little computer just the same as every student in the school.   I think the trick to understanding money is to first take personal greed out of the equatio...

Total Collapse

Now if the United States of America were to totally collapse that would put a whole 'nother light on the situation.  I guess kids should be aware of that possibility.  That's why church would have to be the number one priority.  If you're prepared for the end nothing can phase you.  If God grants you some other scenario where this is not the end but rather the beginning of an entirely new form of government structure similar to 1776, well then as far as I go, I will thank God for that. There are a lot of preachers out there and the good ones are digging in.  Covering the church today is just as exciting as covering football back when I was a kid.  When I was a kid I probably could have started a blog supporting my favorite team and may have even gotten hired on by the team as a blog writer.  Today it's a different world. As a young man just discovering the internet one of the first things I found was information that the IRS is a fraud and there is no ...

Cardano's Project Becomes The World's Largest DAO

  Cardano's Project Becomes The World's Largest DAO ( Top Cryptocurrency DAO's - Decentralized Autonomous Organization ( Top DAO Tokens by Market Capitalization | CoinMarketCap The DAO (organization) - Wikipedia The DAO was launched on 30 April 2016 at 01:42:58 AM +UTC on Ethereum Block 1428757,[13] with a website and a 28-day crowdsale to fund the organization.[14] The token sale had raised more than US$34 million by 10 May 2016, and more than US$50 million-worth of Ether (ETH)—the digital value token of the Ethereum network—by 12 May, and over US$100 million by 15 May 2016.[14][15] On 17 May 2016, the largest investor in the DAO held less than 4% of all DAO tokens and the top 100 holders held just over 46% of all DAO tokens.[16] The fund's Ether value as of 21 May 2016 was more than US$150 million,[17] from more than 11,000 investors.[18] The Story of the DAO — Its History and Consequences | by Samuel Falkon | The Startup | Medium At the ...

How to Sue A DAO

(96) How to Sue A DAO | LinkedIn

How to Incorporate a DAO

  (96) How to Incorporate a DAO | LinkedIn

How To Start A DAO

  DAOs   are awesome —the crypto equivalent of an   LLC —a building block for capital. There are 21.6 million LLCs in America. How long til there’s millions of DAOs on Ethereum I wonder? It’s still early days—so let’s level up on Moloch DAOs and front-run this opportunity! How to start a Moloch DAO - Bankless (

In It For Years

One thing you don't want to do is to buy a stock just to be in it for days.  And then sell it.  This is known as swing trading.  I don't like day trading and I don't like swing trading.  I like the Dave Ramsey baby steps approach.  Good solid mutual funds looking for about 10 percent per year. The problem with me is that I didn't get started until late in the game.  If underprivileged kids were taught this from the get go they might stand a fighting chance.  I don't think too many kids graduating high school have a debt problem yet but the system is fixing to take care of that real quick. If they came out of high school with oh hell at least $10,000 in today's dollars and a good understanding of the stock market and crypto currency that would even be that much better.  Every kid has to get a job in 7th grade and has to put every penny into an investment fund.  Starting out with a 401k or Roth IRA.  Dave knows all of the things to do....

T-Mobile Blockchain Rahul Prakash | LinkedIn Unblocking Blockchain by Rahul Prakash | Indiegogo

Crypto Theft Victim Sues T-Mobile for Allowing SIM-Swap Attack

  Crypto Theft Victim Sues T-Mobile for Allowing SIM-Swap Attack (

How Telecom Giants AT&T And T-Mobile Are Using Blockchain

In the telecom space specifically, AT&T and T-Mobile are both working with the technology in various capacities. Blockchain has made a name for itself as the technology underpinning bitcoin, allowing the transfer of value without middlemen. The work of these telecom giants shows that what enterprises think of as “value” is much bigger than just currency alone. T-Mobile is excited about the potential blockchain technology offers to improve security, reduce costs, and eliminate pain points for our business and customers. Identity and Access Management is a great example of where we are seeing gains in this space, and we are working with standards bodies and the open source community to develop self-sovereign identity solutions based on blockchain that can dramatically change the way people interact with information." Article BasicAttentionTokenWhitePaper-4.pdf

Ivan on Tech Blockchain Academy

  Ivan on Tech Blockchain Academy How To Become A Highly-Paid Blockchain Expert in Months (Not Years!)🚀 ( (9575) Ivan on Tech - YouTube

Jonah And The Whale

Then Jonah prayed unto the  Lord  his God out of the fish's belly, Get up, get your bible study in, and get to work. That's all you can do in this world.   If you have a home, and you can wake up from a good night's sleep, make a cup of coffee, and sit down at a nice desk with a computer and internet connectivity, and check your balance sheet, and your cash flow statement, and your income statement, think about those closest to you, think about God's children further removed but still out there living their lives, then count yourself lucky. My objective is to study money and finance and investing while making a living as a network engineer.  I've put in a lot of hours of study and work to get to where I am today.  There are some who are doing better financially and some who are doing worse.  Some with a fortune now will be flat broke at some point in the future, and some who have very little will have very much. Markets go up and down, fortunes are mad...

The Exponential Age

Raoul Pal talks about bitcoin and the exponential age . I think he is spot on and I am going to sit here and watch it all happen.  Everybody who is alive is living through it right now.  Some are more aware than others of the financial opportunities being created. My main objective is to not lose everything I own.  Other than that I don't care if I make any more money than I make on my job.  I can pay my bills and that is a blessing not to be overlooked.  Don't be the dog who dropped his bone in the water because he saw a bigger bone that was only a reflection. But here's the thing.  I will bet there will be investment stories 20 years from now that will put Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google to shame.  If the governments and economies don't completely collapse.  And I think the odds are that the United States of America will stand. Now what's to become of the finance industry remains to be seen.  Lots of people out there saying thi...

Marc Lichtenfeld

  Welcome to Wealthy Retirement ( Homepage - Liberty Through Wealth The Oxford Club

You Can't Get Away From God

Then the mariners were afraid, and cried every man unto his god, and cast forth the wares that were in the ship into the sea, to lighten it of them. But Jonah was gone down into the sides of the ship; and he lay, and was fast asleep. Listen to Pastor Murray for awhile and then get to work.  Pledge of Allegiance.  Morning prayer. Sam the Inspirational Nomad is out there.  It's Saturday for him too.  Thinkin' about either staying mobile or otherwise purchasing a condo.  I can relate to his situation and I decided on the condo.  You kids will have to decide for yourself just make sure you have enough money to afford whatever you choose. Count your money.  Know exactly how much money you have down to the penny.  Dave Ramsey will tell you that, Sam the Nomad will tell you that.  Anybody that can't answer exactly how much money you have right down to the penny will fail the quiz. Now look at how that money is invested.  Yes I said invested no...

Decentralized Autonomous Organization

  Decentralized autonomous organization - Wikipedia

The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids

The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids was founded on the morning of May 20, 2021.  The mission of the organization is to build a school of opportunity for underprivileged kids. One of the early inspirations was Sam the Inspirational Nomad .  I have added a link to his channel in the upper left hand column of this blog.  Sam is setting the world on fire.  After years of hard work on his channel it is now actually starting to develop regular paychecks.  Sam isn't sure if it's worth the trouble but I have to hand it to him for sticking it out day after day. The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids will have a youtube channel where kids who are old enough to do the job go out and about town like Amagansett Press .  The difference being that they stay local.  Amagansett Press goes from town to town so he never really gains the attention of the local community.  And all politics is local. At The School of Opportunity for Unde...

Michael J. Saylor Microstrategy

  Michael J. Saylor - Wikipedia (20) Michael Saylor (@michael_saylor) / Twitter (9255) Michael Saylor on the Bitcoin Environment Argument - YouTube Announcing's CryptoChamps Powered By Coinbase - Announcing The Bitcoin Car. Yo. Today I am thrilled to reveal that… | by Jack Mallers | May, 2021 | Medium

Charles Hoskinson

  Charles Hoskinson - Wikipedia (20) Charles Hoskinson (@IOHK_Charles) / Twitter

Dr. Craig Wright Creator of Bitcoin – Satoshi Nakamoto.

Craig Wright Craig Steven Wright - Wikipedia (9000) Introducing Satoshi Nakamoto, The Creator of Bitcoin - Dr Craig Wright -Bitstocks Podcast Ep.45 Pt.1 - YouTube

Fidelity Digital Assets

  Fidelity Digital Assets – Medium

Dean Jenkins Follow Me Trades dot com

  (8391) Follow Me Trades - YouTube Winning Stock Picks - (20) FollowMeTrades (@FollowMeTrades) / Twitter Sounds like an interesting deal.  Pay this guy $1,200 per year and follow his trades. I'm thinking count on running in the red the first couple of years and just so single share trading. If I can get 25% return like this guy does, then start buying more shares once I have built up that confidence. I like his sales pitch.  Seems pretty straight forward. I like that all my money would be in my Fidelity account versus Coinbase and Gemini. Give it some thought. Trading Schools.Org - Live Trading Rooms, Trading Software, Trading Mentors, Brokers