
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Psychology of Retirement

God help these poor bastards that ain't got no money at all and thank God I may have enough to retire with a shred of dignity. Yes, thank you Lord Jesus that I am able to pay my rent. Rent, you say?  But Doug you worked your ass off and got your condo paid for in cash. Oh but you forgot about the communists who are gouging me for HOA fees and property tax not to mention health insurance and long term care and rising grocery prices. Well I'l keep the job for as long as I can and when it ends it ends.  At that point I'll sit here and write for a year and paper trade forex for something to do zero risk and see how fast my savings begins to dwindle. After my first year without a paycheck I will be a year older and a year closer to meeting my maker and I'll have a better idea of how many years I could live before I run out of money. It seems the game is real and here I am.  Thank you Lord for what I have and I pray that it's enough to make it. I can read books and play m

How to Install Metatrader 4 (mt4) & Create Oanda Demo account

My first forex paper trade...

Looks like I'm getting some action on my first paper forex trade ever. I have no idea what I did but I think I entered a trade on 7/19. Watching the candles print now. Like watching paint dry.

The World Pushed Back (Podcast Episode 161)      

Well, it would be an interesting blog anyway.

Some old man decides he's going to be a forex trader.  He's got no idea what he's doing.  He gets on X and starts following everybody who ever mentions anything about trading and every commenter that ever comments on anything anybody ever says about trading. After awhile he starts seeing posts on X about trading that he likes better than others. After awhile this KC guys keeps coming up and the old man likes what the kid is saying. After listening to KC for awhile he realizes what any idiot would have seen immediately and that is that KC is openly preaching free education and free tuition and he's pointing to this other guy name of VP who has this free tuition opportunity to learn about forex trading called NNFX. Well the rest is history as they say with the only caveat that the book is just now beginning to be wrote.  The history of what actually happens is still yet to come. So I'm getting my laptop descktop arrangement fine-tuned.  A word that VP liked using in h

Watching the NNFX Beginners video now. Money management. Trading psychology. There is nothing quick about this channel. A real live course to follow. No cost.  Cost is free.  No charge.  Ever.  My favorite color.

KC makes a good case here.

Mastering Forex Trading Live: Tips and Strategies

Beans and Rice

 VP and Rob were talking about multiple streams of income in episode 11 of the Trading Pyschology podcast.  (see bookmarks of this blog) Well I said I got one stream of income.  My job. Always been that way. Work my job.  Collect my paycheck.  Eat beans and rice. Next week do it again. I studied and job hopped and got myself up to a pretty good level and then at 60 I got a little inheritance after the death of my mom and now here I sit at 61 years of age ready to retire. Well cash flow is the thing now. The minute the paycheck stops then the wad starts going down as you work on withdrawal strategies and the wonderful world of decumulation. Well, me and KC (see blog bookmarks) don't like that word decumulation. Now my job has devolved through mergers and aquisitions and trying to help my boss out by taking his weekend coverage shift that has no apparently turned into a life sentence teaching me to never help him out again and that was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life. But

Kasy says use Smart Trader The Top 10 SmartTrader Tools that Help You Succeed

Keep Your Chin Up and Keep Punching

Don't let the bastards get you down. There's a lot of guys out there who got it a lot worse than I do. I know how working for the man can really suck sometimes. I went the network engineering route like Data Bunny. But I can see how a guy might get stuck in trucking and not want to get into network engineering. Any way you go, it's going to take a lot of work.   And the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps program is the best I have to offer anybody who is struggling with money and financial independence. And I can offer that to anybody and help them as much as I can to work that program for free. Basically it's called get a job and work every waking minute of your life and never spend a penny and always be looking for and ready to move to the next better job.  Probably going to take you about 30 years. If you are a grad

Trading Psychology

I'm glad I stumbled upon KC and NNFX. The main thing I like about it is that it is free. I like VP's blog here. What an incredible stroke of genius. Why would not every school in America teach every kid in America to make money trading forex? Certainly they should be teaching the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps program from the get go. You got a kid coming out of high school and his parents are in debt?  And credit card debt at that? I would like to list out every kid in public school today and categorize them into  poor very poor not that poor kinda poor staying afloat got a little bit in the bank cash flow is hurting pretty bad cash flow is not all that bad market value of house etc Something's wrong in the world today, I don't know what it is. We're living in a different way and God knows it ain't his. Hey! Living on the Edge! So we got old heads like me 61 years  old and still haven't cracked the code. The code that I should have been

KC and VP

I just finished episode 10.  Good podcast.

Trading Psychology Podcast Ep10 - Multiple Streams of Income

So I pick episode 10 and they're talking about exactly what I posted about in my morning post here. Trading Psychology Podcast Ep10 - Multiple Streams of Income (    

The Psychology of Beans and Rice

I like Dave Ramsey because he is no nonsense.  You better be living on less than you make and you better be saving every penny that you can save for Grandma's rainy day.  If you're trading to pay your rent and if you're sitting there thinking you just found this great NNFX trading program and now you're going to jump right in and count on making big money by trading forex to pay your rent and it is plainly obvious that if for whatever reason you can't get that money out of the forex market via your trading you will be in deep shit. Then after your first few trades and you find yourself down $1,000 and that was what you could have used to pay your rent and now the landlord has an eviction notice taped to your door that brings on terrible anxiety and your trading gets even worse.  And soon you find yourself among the 99% who try and fail.  If you were stupid enough to quit your job in all the excitement of being the next KC or the next VP well then you're in even

Free Trading Seminar in Reston

Well I seen this on Facebook and it's my favorite color - free.  So I went ahead and signed up.  It's at 10 AM on Saturday July 27.  I got to go in to work at 1 PM on that day but I might poke my head in there for a minute or two. Washington DC - Free Workshop (     More than likely I won't go though.  Why bother going to anything in person it's kind of a pain in the ass and the only thing I have to go anywhere in person for is to an empty office building to do a job that could be done remotely like everybody else on my team is doing it but I guess I'm not a very important person.

Maverick Trading

I like this guy Rob who is on the Trading Psychology Podcast with VP.  I guess he's been trading since 1997.  He's an old head like me.  Only difference is he has made millions of dollars in trading and I have not made a single penny.  But I am happy because I am in the sanctuary with God.  Me and Rob will both end up in the same place we hope. But that is the cool thing about this trading journey.  Yes, no doubt, it is complete psychology.  Why would anybody choose any other occupation.  Complete and total financial ruin might be one reason.  Without the proper psychology, that could be exactly what awaits for anybody who enters the game.   Just like a tough guy in the bronx who thinks he's going to be the next heavyweight champion of the world.  Everybody has got a plan until you get hit.  Ask Ron Lyle about that one. But due to the grace of God and his unmerited favor, I am sitting in a beautiful 1972 red brick penthouse condominium overlooking the park in the wealthiest

KC is the man

KC is the man. Daily Timeframe: Your Ultimate Trading Guide (      

Trading Psychology Podcast Ep7: Overconfidence

Trading Psychology Podcast Ep7: Overconfidence (     Maverick Trading | Remote Proprietary Trading Firm: Prop Firm Jobs    Forex Proprietary Trading Firm | Maverick Currencies     

Retirement Planning

In 45 minutes I have Zoom call with my retirement planner.  Hard to believe I'm 61 years old and talking to a retirement planner.  Yesterday I was 18 and leaving home to go to college and make it big.  I don't know if I made it big or not but thank God I avoided total and absolute disaster.  But even my classs of 1981 classmates that would give their right leg to have things as good as I do can be rich with Jesus Christ. Man I'm the worst sinner in the world, the malfactor hanging behind the son of God on the cross.  Today I will see you in heaven. I like good preachers.  The man I listen to the most is Arnold Murray at Shepherd's Chapel in Gravette, Arkansas.  That's where I get fed and he says we should tithe where we are fed and I agree with him.  Although my tithing has been so weak I might not get too many points come judgement day regarding my tithing. This is my third meeting with my retirement planning.  The subject is death and when will I die and how much

Bein' a writer.

I like bein' a writer.  One of the best things about it is that it's free.  Free is my favorite color.  And that's what really drew me to KC and NNFX. I can sit here and write until the day I die, or maybe I'll lose my ability to write before I die.  I think my Dad would not have been able to type on the keyboard or draw on a whiteboard or even write his name on paper by the time it was over for him. He had three boys.  All still alive thank God. And Ma, ain't no way she was filling out any paperwork after the stroke. So we'll see how middle son number two turns out. Right now I'm doing very well thanks to Mom and Dad and the grace of God.  I did I guess one might say not too bad on my own.  But really I was never on my own since the day I was born.  But we could say I did pretty good on my own financially before the funerals came around.  And I'm doing even better financially now that everyone is underground but I'd rather have them still be here. D

Beans and Rice

2 Corinthians 10:13 I like Dave Ramsey.  I wonder how many homeless guys I can find on X.

OK guys here it is.

So all of my life I've had this dream of being successful, and at 61 years of age I have come to understand that Proverbs 1:7 and Genesis 1:1 pretty much sums it up. So I'll trade here by myself until I die.  Quite a fun existence actually if you think about it.  How many guys would love to be where I'm at probably millions and by the grace of God I am happy. So here is my trading plan. As reported earlier I am in the midst of watching all of these Trader Psychology Podcast videos by NNFX. Boy howdy, I'll tell you now that is a different world. And I think the best thing about his program that I like the best and gives me the good psychological edge over any other program that I have ever seen is that VP at NNFX program is free.  Free forever.  Free for life.  And there is so much material there I could probably not cover it all in a lifetime.  And I have the opportunity to do nothing else for as long as I live now. Even if they can me at work I'm working with Lilia


 not sure how many podcasts this guy has but i'll start with the trading psychology podcast and go from there

Maverick on CCOI

So I'm looking into this Maverick Trading outfit because the head man is on the podcast with No Nonsense Forex (NNFX) and I go to their X account and shit the bed if they ain't talking about CCOI. Trade #97 - Supreme Court - Long CCOI Now my brain is about frazzled by now so I'm making this page of notes to come back to tomorrow.

Trading Psychology Podcast Ep2: Habits -- Good and Bad

listening to episode 2 22 minutes long PV started trading around fall of 2009 talking about how they first got started in trading forex two components of habit Nature Nurture Trading Personality Test  Engineer Brain Rob Reinhold Maverick Trading

Study Log

I'm starting a study log just like I had for my CCIE training. Going to try to watch every one of the podcast videos for starters.

Lots of work to do.

  Big Announcement! ( Ok so the link above takes you to the Trading Psychology Podcast playlist. Right now I'm seeing 69 episodes. I'm listening to episode 1 now.  4:29

No nonsense forex.

Listening to no nonsense forex podcasts. The free training concept only makes sense.

In This Order

Learn to trade first. Episodes 3 - 13 of the podcast. Core Concepts videos 2 through 6. Then you can choose where to go next.

I think I just won the lottery.

But I still can't afford the best and ultimate long-term health care insurance. I seem to have reached a point in my life at 61 years of age where I don't want anything.  Now there are things I need.  I need to live indoors and this entails the acquisition of a home.  This I have accomplished.  The trouble is that the home comes along with homeowners insurance and property taxes and utility bills and Reston Association dues. I also need a nice dependable car.  I've got that and it comes along with gasoline, maintenance, insurance, emmissions inspections fees, saftety inspection fees and God knows what all else. I also need food.  This is going up all the time and just try taking a family of five out to a restaurant and you'll probably be done for the year. And clothes.  This is probably my smallest expense because I just wear Carhart jeans and Amazon basic pocket t-shirts and I like it. And God's word. So that is all I need. Now here's the trick. The clock is ti

We will do alll the trading ourselves.

Not sure what he means here.  Investigating further at this time.  

Trade With KC

Well I like this here KC guy.  I got no doubt this game takes a lot of work and that is why most do not succeed.  Hell most people probably even never think about trying to become a successful trader but then again maybe everybody thinks about it.  I can't imagine how anybody could not stop from thinking about it.   I think everyone thinks all day long every day of how they are going to pay their bills and how they can make their life better financially.  No doubt everybody who has a job is always thinking about making sure they do their job because they know that if their job ends they are going to be up the old proverbial estuary without no means of propulsion. So I'm going to start back at it again.  This time with KC.  I like his video number one and if you listen to his thinking there it is exactly the same as mine.  Here's the money quote - "It's free."  That's my favorite color.

Trading Versus Investing

Trading is like a job.  Investing is like sleeping all day while your money grows. I like the concept of trading because in theory it would mean a good paycheck just like a job.  But the problem with it is that you have to get up and go to work.  Which is no problem for me, when I get up I go to work.  But it's like you have to get up before the market opens or something.  Or you have to make sure you look at your trade during the day or something.   Whereas investing is like you get up whenever the hell you feel like it and there is never any rush of some kind of time window that you need to be sure to meet.  Or at least a time window of like a one minute time window or a one hour time window or a one day time window.  I like time windows of like a week or a month.  Like next month I'm going to have to take a look at that investment. Or better yet, never. Like my house. I invested $220,000 and went to sleep.  I never have to wake up.  It will always go up. But it also comes al

Resignation Letter

Everybody seems to want to get rich so they can Lord it over other people who are struggling.  I am guilty of having this exact attitude in my early years.  When I thought making lots of money was easy and only a dumb idiot would ever struggle with living expenses and the realities of retirement were not staring me in the face at 61 years of age. So after going bankrupt at 40 years of age I put on the blinders and started studying for Cisco certifications.  I passed the CCENT, CCNA, CCNP, CCIE Written 2 times, and sat the CCIE lab 3 times in Raleigh, North Carolina. Along the way I changed jobs two times moving from Atlanta to Reston, Virginia to work with this great company called Sprint that had more CCIE's and senior level network engineers than you could shake a stick at. I was in CCIE heaven. Now through mergers and acquisitions I find myself working for a company that apparently has no respect for any of that effort and is trying to kick me out of the senior level network eng

Live On Less Than You Make

Dave Ramsey says you will win with money 100% of the time if you do these 5 things Have a Written Budget Get Out of Debt Live on Less Than You Make Save and Invest Be Generous The one that is nearly impossible to many people is item 3. Today it costs more to live than a lot of people make and that's if you have a full-time job. If you're thinking about retiring, God help you.

And then came Ted.

I think my dream has always been to be like Ted Turner.  Or Howard Hughes.  Or Ernest Hemmingway.  Or Mark Twain. Living with lots of money.  Or no money worries.  And not having to work. Money is the thing.  But without God, money is only a curse. Now I am a sinner.  Every man is a sinner.  So, we are all sinners.  But to be a sinner that does not believe in God, oh my God, God help you then.


Blogging is the greatest thing in the world.  I knew it when it first came into existance and I know it now. This social media bullshit is crap compared to blogging.  Try to make you pay money if you want to write more than 47 characters.  Fuck you.  I'll write 47 pages if I fucking feel like it. And I don't like cussing but it gets the point across. Mark Twain never used curse words and he was the greatest writer in the history of the world.  Along with many others too numerous to mention. As I began my life as a young man I began to have dreams.  Dreams of wealth.  Dreams of wealth beyond all imagination.  Nobody could have told me when I was 23 years old that by the time I reached 40 years of age I would be one of the richest men in the world and have so many cars and houses and women that you couldn't count them all.  Problem was that included in those dreams along with sex was drugs and rock and roll.  And sure as hell going to church on Sunday never crossed my mind. I

Communism 101

Another meeting with my retirement planner today.  See if I have enough to tell my boss to pound sand.  I like working for a Tier One Internet Service Provider and I like network engineering but I don't like being treated unfairly and I don't like being passed over for remote work designation based on where I decided to buy a home which happens to be close to the office like anybody with half a brain would do knowing they had to be in the office every day for 25 years but the idiot who purchased his home 100 miles away from the office that he knew he had to commute back and forth to every day for 25 years but did it anyway and did commute back and forth every day for 25 years gets rewarded now with remote work designation the best french benefit in the history of human labor and I get told to go to hell and kiss their ass for the sole reason that I had enough common sense to live close to the office.  Screw you.

Data Bunny

I like what this 25 year old Data Bunny kid is doing.  He sees the same opportunity as I say many years ago.  I also like this 22 year old kid trader Sci.  He saw an opportunity that I also say many years ago but as fate would have it I ended up where I am today here at 61 years of aged. I am thankful beyond imagination for the good life that I have.  I work as a network engineer with a Tier One ISP in one of the greatest cities in the world.  Thanks to Dave Ramsey and Pastor Arnold Murray and the grace of God I really have no financial worries to speak of.  The only one I can think of is it seems my cash flow is not sufficient to cover maximum insurance on all fronts. Tomorrow I talk again with my financial advisor and retirement planner.  I spoke with here last Tuesday as well.  It seems last Tuesday was the same as a meeting we had maybe one or two years ago.  Safety, liquidity, and growth.   Well we seem to go around and around and never really get down to any nitty gritty.  I coul

Three Hours to Salad

 In three hours I get to go to Whole Foods for my salad.  Hoping for 188 lbs or better at tomorrow morning weigh-in.  Got to make weight for the cookout in Colorado.

Trader Friends

I would like to have a bunch of friends who are all profitable traders.  I like the world of trading.

Trading on X.

Well X has certainly changed the game from last time I checked.  Traders have always been out there but there is something a out X that seems better.  I'm following every trader I see and then following every trader that comments on every trader I follow.  I'm hoping to eventually find my niche.  Right now my niche is working my job and saving my money and not losing any money and reading and learning and learning and reading and then I'll learn and read some more and then I'll paper trade for awhile.  Anybody else in the same boat and some already blew up their account and quit.  I'm going to try to stay for more than just a day.

Ok got my weight recorded.

Ok I got my weight recorded and caught up with messages regarding cookout in Colorado first week in August.  Now time to check up on my trader buddies.

Ok it's today.

Well it's today again.  Another day to learn more about trading and start to set up my trading system.  First I got to fill in my weight-control diet journal spreadsheet.  189 lbs today.  Got to get down to 179 lbs for first weekend in August cookout in Colorado.

Blogging and Trading

Well my job is the number one thing.  I thank God for my job.  I have dedicated my whole life to my job and my job is what pays my bills.  Everything is built on my job.  If I lose my job I will shift in to job search mode and find another job.  I will work a job until I am no longer to work a job. Or until I can replace my job income by trading like Mr. Chartz does. But I cannot count on that.  I think any good trader would tell you not to trade thinking you are going to use your trading profits to pay your bills.  Odds are your bills will not get paid and you will lose the money you did have to pay the bills.  That is the odds for any beginning trader like me.  Anybody who thinks anything else is probably a fool.   Calm Trading is the name of another trader I follow.  I think that is the only way to trade.  Calmly.  If you cannot trade calmly, then trading becomes a living hell that you will very soon quit out of or face total and complete ruination.

Chartz, Mr. Opening Price

I like this guy. Chartz, Mr. OPENING PRICE (@FloydWilliams46) / X

Making Friends

Ok so my plan is to make friends on X.  Trading friends.  As I gather my mastermind group I may find one of them over here leaving a comment at my blog.  If I ever see any of them over here leaving a comment on my blog that will give them little check mark on my list of friends although you got to filter out the spammers and con men from the real people like me and Dave Ramsey.

You Got To Start Somewhere

You got to start somewhere and I'm starting here. My business is working as a network engineer and trading and blogging about working as a network engineer and trading and blogging with the goal of never missing a meal or having to spend a night on the street. The thing I like about Dave Ramsey is that he is trying to help people who need help.  I don't care what your political affiliation is or your religion, if you're breathing you need food clothing and shelter.  Food clothing and shelter costs money and it costs more every day than it did yesterday. Cut up your damn credit cards and pay off all of your debt.  Start saving and keep saving.  When  you got a little saved up start investing.  When you got enough set aside to trade with, start trading.  Rinse, wash, and repeat until you are no longer able to sit up and type on the keyboard.

Don't know how to back this thing up.

 Well it seems I can export my blog file in XML format onto my hard drive, but I'm not yet able to open the XML file so I can read my blog offline and see that it is backed up.  I guess I could try to import it back into blogger under a different blog name and see if it is all there and so forth, for example this here post than I am making here right now would have been made after I just already before making this post eported my blog so if I imported it back in I should see every post and comment up to the minute just prior to my exporting it and saving it so that might be a good way to test and see if I got it backed up good or not. In the meantime I will just start blogging under the assumption that either someday in the future I will figure out how to back it up and save it offline or otherwise just trust that whoever runs blogger has got me covered and I can just rest easy knowing that come hell or highwater this blog will always be here on the internet for anybody to see.  Fo

I actually like this one.

The School of Opportunity for Underprivileged Kids. aka Winbro College of Free Enterprise A place where there is a company of people who work together to make the world a better place. As individuals, the world becomes a better place when we can live in a nice house with running water and electricity and internet connectivity. If we can wake up from a good night's sleep, take a shower and get cleaned up, put on some nice clean dry clothes with a good pair of shoes, have plenty to eat all day, be able to work all day, and go to bed in a nice warm or cool in the summer place to sleep, a nice bed, say your prayers, give thanks for your blessing, and get a good night's sleep to face the next coming day. That is a good life. Not everyone has this good life. Right now I have it, and pretty much everybody I know has it.  I hope I live out the remainder of my life in such a nice manner. In the meantime I would like to work on a business that will become profitable always working on imp